Art has been a part of Jodie’s life for a long time. After high school and during college, she did several murals, for an elementary school in Hastings MI. She went on to obtain an art degree from Kellogg Community College. Art was then put on the back burner for awhile, while she pursue other interests. Her passion returned when she moved to Key West, Florida. While there, she got back into painting murals and found that she also enjoyed creating sculptures. The enjoyment of sculpting came about when she entered MysteryBuild contests for several years, picking up a second place Award of Excellence in 2011.
In January 2015, Jodie was involved in a serious auto accident, leaving her with a Traumatic Brain Injury, an injured right arm, and a long convalescent time in bed. While lying in bed, she attempted painting with her left hand, and so began her year of “left-handed art”. She returned to her hometown, of Hastings Michigan in May for therapy and recovery. During this recovery time she has kept herself busy further exploring with acrylic paint, her medium of choice. She has accepted commission pieces from both private individuals and commercial businesses. She was also a 2016 and a 2017 ArtPrize artist. While the "left-handed Year" has come and gone, Jodie still predominantly gravitates to her left hand for most of her paintings still to this day.